- Art
- Children's Art about the Holocaust
- Holocaust Memorial in Palm Springs
- Music of the Holocaust
- Moshe Rynecki - 1881-1943: A Jewish Artist Whose Work
- Razdolina, Zalta - Composer
- Terezin Chamber Music Foundation
- Audio / Video
- Documentation of the Holocaust Survivors' Testimonies
- Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies
- In Our Own Hands - The Hidden Story of the Jewish Brigade in World War II
- My Knees Were Jumping_- Remembering the Kindertransports
- Nuremberg Trials Video
- Survivors of the Shoah Visual History Foundation
- Videos of the Holocaust
- Biography
Rabbi Menashe Yaakov Levertov
In memory of Rabbi Menashe Yaakov Levertov saved by Schindler; includes testimony and pictures...
- Camps
- An Auschwitz Alphabet
- Auschwitz: A Bulleted Overview - an overview of the death camp in an easy to read format.
- Body Disposal at Auschwitz - This article confronts many of the statements made by Holocaust deniers revolving around body disposal at Auschwitz.
- Auschwitz Chronology
- Auschwitz Concentration Camp - A short overview to the camp
- Auschwitz: - The Death Factory
- Auschwitz - Endstation Vernichtung Homepage
- Auschwitz - Gate To Hell
- Westerbork: Portal of Auschwitz - Netherlands
- Auschwitz Journal - by Stuart Nichols
- Auschwitz Overview - The Auschwitz-Birkenau Museum's official web site includes information about visiting, publications, news, and much more.
- Rudolf Höss: Biography - A very good overview of the commandant of Auschwitz, from the Encyclopedia of the Holocaust online.
- Testimony of Rudolf Höss: Full Text - A very long document. Rudolf Höss, the commandant of Auschwitz,
discusses in detail the process of killing in Auschwitz during the Nuremberg Trial in 1945.
- U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum Haftlingspersonalbogen - This searchable database contains registration forms 1 through 331 for female prisoners and forms 1 through 4,500 for male prisoners at Auschwitz. The registration forms contain names, places of birth, occupations, spouse's names, residences, and more.
- Ungdom Mot Rasism: Auschwitz - Birkenau - Välkommen till denna sida om Nazism/rasism men framför allt om Auschwitz Birkenau. Under Påsken 97 var vi 7 st som åkte på en studie resa med brottsförebyggande centrum i Karlstad till Auschwitz. När vi kom hem började vi ha föreläsningar om detta och skapade en internet sida. Den har nu fått en ny Layout och lite mer innehåll och bilder.
- Archaeological Dig Description Peter Witte describes archaeological research has been conducted at the Belzec camp
- Archaeological Dig Findings - Excerpts - Excerpts of the important and significant findings of the 1997-1998
archaeological research done at Belzec
- Belzec - An Overview - Adapted from the Encyclopedia of the Holocaust, an overview of the camp that includes information about the camp opening, the murder process, forced labor, and the closing of the camp.
- Belzec Extermination Camp - Beginning with Belzec's origins as a labor camp, this overview covers the camp's layout and phases of operation.
- Belzec From March 17 to June 1942 - Information about the process of death, including a large quote from
SS-man Karl Alfred Schluch who spent sixteen months in Belzec.
- Deportations to Belzec - A chart that shows how many people deported from what city and county on what particular days. Organized first by county, then city.
- Belsen Trial: Excerpts
- Bergen-Belsen: An Overview - Adapted from the Encyclopedia of the Holocaust, an overview of Bergen-Belsen
- Bergen-Belsen DP Camp - After liberation, a camp for displaced persons was established near the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp. The Bergen-Belsen DP camp was the largest DP camp in Germany and the only all-Jewish camp in the British zone of Germany.
- Bergen-Belsen Memorial Site
- Seder Night in Bergen-Belsen - The story of Passover takes on new meaning in the middle of a camp during the Holocaust.
- US Holocaust Museum Bergen-Belsen Page
- Photographs of Birkenau by Alan Jacobs
- Buchenwald Memorial
- Buchenwald on Nizkor
- History of Buchenwald - A walk through of the Buchenwald concentration camp.
- Chelmno Extermination Camp (Kulmhof) - Overview of the camp with emphasis on the death process.
- Extermination Camp Chelmno - Detailed
- List of Jewish Communities Liquidated in Chelmno - Thirty-one communities decimated.
- Ben Austin's Holocaust Info - The Camps
- Concentratiekamp Dachau - (Dutch only) Meer dan 200.000 mensen uit heel Europa hebben in Dachau gevangen gezeten. Een groot deel van hen werd gedood of kwam door ontberingen om het leven... Met behulp van deze website willen de oud-gevangenen van dit kamp u een indruk geven van wat zich daar in die 12 jaren van nazibarbarij heeft afgespeeld.
- Dachau Badges - This site displays the colors and coding of the badges worn by prisoners at Dachau.
- Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial Website
- Dachau Concentration Camp - Short Articles
- Dachau -- Prisoner Badges
- Priests of Dachau - The Dachau concentration camp was the first established to hold political prisoners. Among these, were many priests. This is a short
overview of the priests of Dachau - the men and their lives.
- Forgotten Camps - History of Nazi Concentration Camps, Work Camps, Police Camps, Transit Camps (english, french)
- Flossenbürg - From your About.com Guide, an overview of this concentration camp.
- Official Site of the Flossenbürg Memorial
- Liberation of Gunskirchen, Austria -May 4, 1945
- Gusen Concentration Camp
- Communique of the Majdanek War Crimes Commission - Details of the tortures, prisoners,
extermination, cover-up, and plunder in Majdanek
- Majdanek Concentration Camp - History and information on the experience of visiting the camp now.
- Majdanek Extermination Camp
- Majdanek: An Overview - From your About.com Guide, an overview of the establishment and layout of the camp plus a map.
- Majdanek: Summary - An overview adapted from the Encyclopedia of the Holocaust, on structure, inmates, resistance, trials, and the museum.
- Mauthausen Concentration Camp - A comprehensive overview of the Mauthausen camp
- KZ - Mauthausen-GUSEN
- Mauthausen-GUSEN from JSOURCE
- Mittelbau Dora Concentration Camp
- Ravensbruck Camp Map
- Hell of Sobibor - Netherlands
- Plan of Sobibor Extermination Camp - Locations of where prisoners arrived by rail, storage and the gas chambers
- Sobibor 1942-1943
- Sobibor: An Overview - A short overview of Sobibor, presented by the Museum of Tolerance and taken from the Encyclopedia of the Holocaust. Includes information on waves of transports, the personnel, and the closure of the camp.
- Project Judaica Terezin
- Nizkor Info about Treblinka
- Acts of Resistance / Organization of the Revolt
- Deportations to Treblinka
- List of 215 Jewish Communities Murdered in Treblinka
- Treblinka - A short sketch of the Treblinka death camp, learn about the gas chambers and the postcards sent from the dead.
- Treblinka Death Camp - Overview
- A Visit to Treblinka
- What Remains
- National Monument Camp Vught - These pages contain information about the history of the concentration camp and about the memorial site in Vught (The Netherlands). Westerbork: Portal of Auschwitz , Netherlands
- Deportation Transports from Westerbork to Auschwitz and Sobibor
- Map of Westerbork
- Westerbork: An Overview - The Museum of Tolerance has posted an overview of the Westerbork transit camp, taken from the Encyclopedia of the Holocaust. The article includes information on the transition of the camp to a transit camp, the deportations, and the liberation of the camp.
- Westerbork: Portal to Auschwitz - The transit camp in Holland was just a stopping post for many. The Nazis gathered Jews at this camp until a train could deport them, usually to Auschwitz.
- Children
- Children and the Holocaust - From the U.S.H.M.M. - A short description of the experiences and fate of children during the Holocaust.
- Children of the Holocaust
- Children of the Holocaust - Meet some of the children who were victims of the Holocaust.
- The Hidden Child: Between Two Religions - ewish children were often hidden in Christian homes where they were forced to assume a Christian identity to save themselves. But after the war, these children often felt confused about their true religion, for one had condemned them and the other had saved them.
- Hidden Children: Physical and Identity - From your About.com Guide - Not only did they hide in attics,
cabinets, and closets to avoid Nazi persecution, but many children had to hide their Jewish identity.
- Holocaust Memorial Center V'Debartam Bam An international mishnayos program dedicated to the memory of the children who perished in Churban Europe.
- Jagerman, Judith - Childhood memories of survival
- "Mengele's Children": The Twins of Auschwitz - Mengele's favorite experiments were on twins. What did he do and why?
- Denial
- A message you can post to any newsgroup where people deny the holocaust.
- Holocaust Denial and Deniers
- Holocaust Denial and Nazism
- Holocaust Denial & The Big Lie- refutation of some common claims of those who deny the Holocaust.
- Mermelstein vs. The Institute for Historical Review
- Excerpts from original Nazi documents - relating directly to the extermination of Jews and others which was carried out by the Nazis during WW2.
- A short statistical survey on the dimensions of the Holocaust,
- Excerpts from testimonies of SS men
- Excerpts from ruling and verdicts of German courts regarding Treblinka.
- Holocaust Denial: An Online Guide - The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has created an online guide which covers the origin of Holocaust denial, denial as anti-Semitism, denial themes, and some of the prominent deniers.
- History Project - - Essays, and reproductions of documents, which expose and debunk the claims of Holocaust deniers. Includes over 1,000 pages from such sources as the International Military Trial at Nuremberg.
- How to Be a Revisionist Scholar - A Parody - 18 tried and true ways to manipulate the truth, in other words, how to be a "revisionist scholar."
- Source bibliography [part one] and [part two].
- 164 text files refuting revisionist claims.
- Historical discussion about the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion"
- SWC Infiltration and Operations Report shows the efforts of neo-nazis:
- [part two]
- [part three]
- [part four]
- [part five]
- [part six]
- [part seven]
- [part eight]
- [part nine]
- Death Places
- Babi Yar - Saddened that many have never heard of Babi Yar, Ada has created a page of information about this ravine where the Nazis murdered100,000 people.
- Babi Yar: Destroying the Evidence - As the Red Army was approaching, the Nazis attempted to destroy the evidence of their mass murders by burning the bodies.
- Babi Yar: Mass Murder - In retaliation for explosions in downtown Kiev, the Nazis created a place of mass murder in the ravine named Babi Yar.
- David Budnik: A Survivor - Budnik is a survivor of the prisoner cremation squad that was forced to dig up and burn the corpses of those murdered at Babi Yar.
- Yakov Kaper: A Survivor - After the murders at the Babi Yar ravine, the Nazis brought in prisoners to erase the traces in July 1943. Kaper was one of those prisoners.
- Discussion
- 2G-Legacy Mailing List - This list is for the "second generation" (i.e. children and grandchildren of Jewish Holocaust survivors). It's focus is on understanding and furthering the legacy of the Holocaust.
- DiscussionBoards
- H-Antisemitism Listserv - This listserv is an automated email list for scholars of antisemitism to share information, discuss methodology, share sources for funding, and to comment upon current historiography.
- H-Holocaust Discussion List - This is the introduction and orientation page for the H-Holocaust listserv. The listserv is an automated email list that educators and scholars of the Holocaust can join to discuss topics concerning the Holocaust. The discussion is usually academic and geared toward those teaching college courses on this subject.
- Holocaust Listserv - Hosted by the Holocaust Teacher Resource Center, this email list is to give Holocaust educators the opportunity to share questions/answers and problems/solutions for their educational programs and presentations.
- Remembrance - Have you ever read a book about the Holocaust and wanted to discuss it but no one was interested? The Remembrance listserv offers a forum to discuss books which remember the victims, survivors and rescuers of the Holocaust.
- The Holocaust Quilt
- Eye Witness Accounts
- 104th Infantry Division Home Page - KZ Mittelbau DORA - The morning of 11 April dawned with yet another strangely named town to be reckoned with. Easier to pronounce, but impossible to forget, Nordhausen, home of the Mittelbau-Dora Concentration Camp,
- 1st. Lt. William Cowling - Report from the Dachau Liberation
- A Personal Memory of Flossenbürg: 97th Infantry Division - Leslie A. Thompson, chaplain of the 97th
Infantry Division, shares his experiences at the liberation of Flossenbürg.
- Album of Rescuers
- American Officer Describes the Liberation from Mauthausen.
- Anne Frank House
- Anna and Jaruslav Chlup Tell Their Story
- Barbara Szymanska Makuch Tells Her Story
- Bert Bochove Tells His Story
- Bram Pais Tells His Story
- Christine Damski Tells Her Story
- Dimitar Peshev
- Dr. Olga Lilien Tells Her Story
- Dutch Rescuer
- Edward R. Murrow's Report from Buchenwald
- Erika Van Hesteren Tells Her Story
- Fragments of Memory
- Glenn Edward Belcher: Dachau Liberator
- German Witness Describes Prisoners from Dachau
- Halina Szymanska Ogrodzinska Tells Her Story
- Henny Juliard Tells Her Story
- Herman Paul Feder Tells His Story
- Jan Karski: A Hero of the Holocaust
- Jewish Foundation for the Righteous: Stories of Moral Courage
- John Damski Tells His Story
- Joseph Heinrich Tells His Story
- Liberation of Buchenwald
- Liberation of Dachau
- Liberators' Stories. A Teacher's Guide to the Holocaust
- Liberators' Testimonies - Debate the Holocaust?
- Memories of the White Rose
- Mirjam Pinkhof Tells Her Story
- Mittlebau Dora Concentration Camp
- Rachel Litowicz Tells Her Story
- Raoul Wallenberg Project Interviews
- Rescuers
- Righteous Gentiles
- Shtetl
- Sophie Yaari Tells Her Story
- Story of Jan Zwartendijk
- Testimonies of the Last Prisoners in the Chelmno Death Camp- by Ada Holtzman
- Tina Strobos Tells Her Story
- Whoever Saves a Single Life