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Ahavas Yisroel - Love Of Israel

A worldwide grassroots group of women dedicated to promoting the mitzva of Ahavas Yisrael


Real Aliyah information insights, true stories and the nitty-gritty details of moving to and living in Israel from the American perspective.

Anti - Messianics / Missionaries

Individuals who want to understand why Jews do not believe Rabbi Jesus is the son of God or the Jewish Moshiach may study here.
The infamous 1920 poster depicting the side view of an Aryan woman in front of a Jew.
Anti-Semitism Research Resources
A brief overview of the anti-Semitic fiasco in France, includes many thumbnail pictures.
Facing History & Ourselves
The Simon Weisenthal Center
Short overview of the growth of anti-Semitism as well as excellent examples of the use of stereotypes for The Study Of Anti-Semitism.

Israel Fax - Search for and access news about the Middle East, Israel and Jews around the world through Israel Faxx archives.
Since March 1993, Israel Faxx and its award-winning publisher, Don Canaan, have distributed to subscribers news about Jews, Israelis, Muslims, Palestinians and Christians in the Middle East.

- Master Link Page with Hundreds of links

Art Museums
Art Museums Master Link Pagewith Hundreds of links
Assisted Living
Assisted Living is An intimiate Jewish Kosher assisted living facility in the heart of the North Miami Beach Jewish Orthodox community. We are here to provide you with a happy and peaceful home-like environment where you can continue being as self-sufficient as possible.
Distant Learning
Distant Leanring Page
- Jewishpath, Dr. Akiva G. Belk discusses marriage repair, conflict management, separation, divorce, conflict tools and how to avoid difficulties.
Divorce Mediation
Kayama - Preserving Jewish Continuity
Education Links
Educational Link Master Page with hundreds of links
Educational Programs
Educational Link Master Page with hundresd of links
Where The Wind Blows - Gifts for yourself and others... Please enjoy looking and purchasing fine quality Mah Jongg gifts / Jewelry...


Family Purity
Cambridge Community Mikvah
Online shop for kosher, natural Iraeli products of food and gift baskets, art recipes, spices jewelry abnd more.

Food Blog
The Boreka Dairy
has Food Blog with recipes, essays, pictures, holidays and more...

Food, - Kosher
Kosher Links Master Page with hundreds of links

Fonts, Hebrew
- Hebrew related software, Hebrewsoft is your one stop shop for all freeware, shareware and shopware hebrew software titles.
Forums - Jewish

an organization dedicated to helping people without expectation of compensation.

The Best Jewish Games


Ahavas Yisroel - Love Of Israel
World Wide Effort Coordinated by KEY A worldwide grassroots group of women dedicated to promoting the mitzva of Ahavas Yisrael

Aliyah Information Pages Real Aliyah information insights, true stories and the nitty-gritty details of moving to and living in Israel from the American perspective.

Anti - Messianics / Missionaries
Jewish Reply
Individuals who want to understand why Jews do not believe Rabbi Jesus is the son of God or the Jewish Moshiach may study here.
Anti-Semitic Poster - The infamous 1920 poster depicting the side view of an Aryan woman in front of a Jew.
Anti-Semitism Research Resources
Dreyfus Affair - A brief overview of the anti-Semitic fiasco in France, includes many thumbnail pictures.
Facing History & Ourselves
Museum of Tolerance - At the Simon Weisenthal Center
Popular Anti-Semitism - Short overview of the growth of anti-Semitism as well as excellent examples of the use of stereotypes.
ResourcesFor Anti-Semitism Studies
Vidal Sasson International Center - For The Study Of Anti-Semitism

Israel Fax - Search for and access news about the Middle East, Israel and Jews around the world through Israel Faxx archives.
Since March 1993, Israel Faxx and its award-winning publisher, Don Canaan, have distributed to subscribers news about Jews, Israelis, Muslims, Palestinians and Christians in the Middle East.

Art - Master Link Page with Hundreds of links

Art Museums
Art Museums Master Link Pagewith Hundreds of links
Israel Museum, Jerusalem

Assisted Living
Assisted Living is An intimiate Jewish Kosher assisted living facility in the heart of the North Miami Beach Jewish Orthodox community. We are here to provide you with a happy and peaceful home-like environment where you can continue being as self-sufficient as possible.

You should live life on YOUR terms!
B'nai Noach Torah Institue: Bnai Noach Torah Institute offers 100's of AUDIO DOWNLOADS. Weeklty downloads. 100's of audio's!
Chabad Daily Lectures
Chabad Weekly Lectures
Daf Yomi in Real Audio
JewishPath- Download the Weekly Audio Parsha. or High Holiday Audio - Hundred's of Audios to choose from. Check out our audio stories...
Ohr Somayach Audio Lectures
Parshas From 613 Torah Org
Torah Audio - Real audio Torah classes on the internet
Audio Classes on Yerushalayim
Bircas HaTorah

Authors - See Books, Magazines and Newspapers

Beauty Products
Please visit our Beauty and Health Page

Mourningstones- A most unique condolence gift from mourningstones.com - On you next visit to a loved ones grave site leave a beautiful Rose Quartz Stone saying, I love you! I care! I was here! The Rose quartz is the stone of universal love. Leaving a Rose Quarts Stone is a unique, compassionate sympathy, shiva, condolence gift. Our Rose Quartz Stones are beautifully packaged for grave side visits. May the Creator of the universe Bless all who mourn in zion...

Israel Easy - Israel Easy is a user review blog for the community of English speakers in Israel. The honest word-of-mouth resource for anyone in or coming to Israel.

Books, Jewish Authors
Call Her Blessed written by Juliene Berk, portrays those times and places with historical accuracy and evokes the life of a fascinating, loving and extraordinary human being… a woman who embodied the legendary attributes of the Victorian Jewish woman at her very best.

Book Publishers
Association of Jewish Book Publishers
Mahrwood Press - Publisher of fine illustrated novels and anthologies for the Jewish audiences - ericmahr@netvision.net.il
Feldheim Publishers
Hachai Publishing
Jewish Lights Publishing
Judaica Press, Inc.
Kar-Ben Copies
Ktav Publishing House
Nehora Press

Bullentin Boards
Deja.com: Usenet - alt.religion.Judaism.Orthodox
Deja.com: Usenet - soc.culture.jewish
Deja.com: Usenet - soc.culture.Jewish.parenting
Deja.com: Usenet - soc.genealogoy.Jewish
Deja.com: Usenet - rec.humor.Jewish
H-Antisemitism - Discussion Network
H-Holocaust - Discussion Network
H-Judaic - Jewish Studies Network
Mendele - Forum for Yiddish Literature & Yiddish Language
MSN Communities - Jewish.org

Burial Societies
Int'l Jewish Burial Society

Calendar, Hebrew
16 Month Calendar
An Interactive Hebrew/English Calendar - Daily lessons in text and audio
B'nai B'rith Youth Organization
Havienu L'Shalom Hebrew Calendar
JCC-Jewish Computerized Calendar: Attractive display of davening times and minhagim, programmed for perpetual use.
Jewish Calendar
Jewish Holidays: 1998 - 2017
North American Federation Of Temple Youth
Camps {also see Summer Camps} Blue Represents Mikvah
Camp Country State City
Camp Avoda USA MA Middleboro
Camp B'nai Brith CA AB Edmonton
Camp Massad CA MB Winnipeg
Camp Modin USA ME Belgrade
GreenLane Camp USA PA Green Lane
CD's see Compact discs
Ezras Torah
Jewish Charity
JewishPath - Support the Mitzvah of JewishPath, a Jewish cyberspace learning institution with an unprecedented record for assisting Jews on every level of Torah Judaism and inquisitive non Jews regardless of their education or financial means.
Jewish Prisoner Services International
Jews in Recovery from Alcoholism and Drug Abuse
Just Tzedakah
Mazon - Jewish Response to Hunger
Ohel Childrens Home


Breast Feeding
Brit Milah
Brit Mila FAQ's
Brit Mila Info
Birth and the First Month of Life

Children - See Kids

Clip Art
Jewish Clipart - Crystal Cloud Graphics
Jewish Clipart - Shamash
Jewish Graphics Schmaphics - Original Jewish graphics and clipart for Jewish Holidays and ALL Jewish

Cover Your Hair - We are a Jewish website that caters to observant women. We sell all types of beautiful stylish and fun head covers like Hats, Caps, Bandannas, Headbands, Snoods, Tichels and more.. All of our hair coverings are designed to give you the utmost comfort, quality, and class in Observance of Ha Torah!

Clothing Fashions & Accessories
Shoshi-Silk - Exclusive Hand Made Silk Sarves -
Shoshi Miliger is an Israeli artist that makes unique hand painted silk scarves and table runners. She paints on raw Silk, scarves and tablecloth (runners). Painting for Shoshi is an adventure and a mystery. Her guiding hand lets the dyes do the talking. She combines both traditional and moderns abstract techniques to reach an amazing combination of colors and textures. Both runners and scarves make a wonderful gift for one's self or for loved ones.
Diaspora Girl offers hand-made designer kippot for women. Original and affordable. Each is crocheted and adorned with ribbon or trim

Tzniut Fashion Welcome... to Tzniut Fashion! We offer a beautiful variety of price-conscious quality snoods, hats and scarves that ladies enjoy wearing. All the items are made in Texas. 10% of all the proceeds goes to Eretz Israel as Tzedaka.
We at Tzniut Fashion are Shomer Shabbat! This means we guard against desecration of our beloved Shabbat, so please Do Not Place Orders on Shabbat or Yom Tov {Jewish Holy Days}!


New Jewish Coins


Commerce, Products & Services
The Arena from Globes Publishing, has Israeli business news daily, including high tech news, Tel Aviv stock market quotes and analysis.
Bank of Israel has information about its services and history.
Dapey Zahav, the Israeli Yellow Pages prints Israel's commercial phone directories and also provides listings online.
Federation of Israeli Chambers of Commerce - The Federation of Israeli Chambers of Commerce promotes economic growth in Israel.
Israel Trade and Investment - The New England-Israel Chamber of Commerce has an Israel Trade and Investment
Web site.
MATIMOP - the Israeli Industry Center for Research and Development, has a Web
site with information for companies interested in doing business with Israel.
The Tel Aviv Stock Exchange - web site has a wide variety of information about Israeli trade, including stock quotes and other market data.

Communities Link Page- Hundreds of Community links
B'nai Noach Torah Institute, LLC Homepage
Homepage of the B'nai Torah community.
Jewish West Orthodox Jewish Renewal List
An on-line discussion of Jewish Renewal practices and beliefs within an Orthodox framework.

Congregations - See Synagogues

Compact Discs
Audio Discussions by Dr. Akiva Gamliel Belk

The Kosher Compass - Is an attractive brass non electric compass that defies nature as it spins... and stops in the direction of our prayers and dreams... Jerusalem!

Cosmetic Products
Please visit our Beauty and Health Page

Death - Mourning
International Burial Society

Jewish Memorial Tributes
Jewish Mourning
Life, Death and Mourning
Mourners Kaddish
Mourning - JewishPath, Dr. Akiva G. Belk discusses death and mourning
Olam Haba - The Afterlife
Remembering Past Souls
Dictionary - See Glossary
Distant Learning
Distant Leanring Page

Divorce Conflict - Jewishpath, Dr. Akiva G. Belk discusses marriage repair, conflict management, separation, divorce, conflict tools and how to avoid difficulties.
Divorce Mediation
Kayama - Preserving Jewish Continuity
Marriage Conflict Index

Education Links
Educational Link Master Page with hundreds of links

Educational Programs
Educational Link Master Page with hundresd of links

Where The Wind Blows - Gifts for yourself and others... Please enjoy looking and purchasing fine quality Mah Jongg gifts / Jewelry...


Family Purity
Cambridge Community Mikvah

Online shop for kosher, natural Iraeli products of food and gift baskets, art recipes, spices jewelry abnd more.

Food Blog
The Boreka Dairy
has Food Blog with recipes, essays, pictures, holidays and more...

Food, - Kosher
Kosher Links Master Page with hundreds of links

Fonts, Hebrew
Basic Hebrew Grammer
HebrewSoft - Hebrew related software, Hebrewsoft is your one stop shop for all freeware, shareware and shopware hebrew software titles.
How To Read Hebrew on the Internet
My Hebrew Dictionary

Forums - Jewish

TeleGamach: an organization dedicated to helping people without expectation of compensation.

The Best Jewish Games On The Web
Yiddle Riddle Archives

JewishPath Gematria Dozens of Gematria lessons on Hebrew letters and numbers, with mystical insights by Dr. Akiva G. Belk

Gematria Parsha
JewishPath: Gematria Parsha with mystical insights by Dr. Akiva G. Belk

Genealogy Page Links Master Page with hundreds of links

Gifts Page
Please visit our Gifts Page

JewishPath Glossary - A glossary with thousands of Jewish Hebrew and Yiddish Words along with information, definitions and other details.
My Dictionary - English - Hebrew Online Dictionary. Hebrew fonts are not required.

Israel Ministry Of Foreign Affairs

Halachic Issues
The Zomet Institute The Zomet Institute addresses problems of halacha and technology. The Jewish Law web site addresses issues of halacha and American law.

Please visit our Health and Beauty Page

Learning Store - CD's on How to Learn Blessings in Hebrew - How to Learn Hebrew - Lectures By Dr. Akiva Gamliel Belk
Hebrew Online - Learn Hebrew online with a live Israeli based teacher via the latest video conferencing technology right from the comforts of your own home.
Lekach-Tov Biblical Hebrew Learning System
FREE BIBLICAL HEBREW software. Our software connects verbs amd nouns of the same shoresh [root word] in the Torah, Haftarah and siddur. Our software also has concordance, thesaurus and quizzes.

American Immigrant Wall Of Honor
Call Her Blessed written by Juliene Berk, portrays those times and places with historical accuracy and evokes the life of a fascinating, loving and extraordinary human being… a woman who embodied the legendary attributes of the Victorian Jewish woman at her very best.
Jewish-American History
Simon Wiesenthal Center

Ancient Jewish History
History Speaks - Monarchy, Exile and Maccabees
Works of Flavius Josephus

Anne Frank On-Line
An Auschwitz Alphabet
Auschwitz - Birkenau
Beyond the Pale - The History of Jews in Russia
Chamber of the Holocaust
Expulsion From Spain
Images of Polish Synagogues
Khazaria Info Center

Center For Jewish History
Historical Highlights of Judaism
Internet Jewish History Sourcebook
Periods and Significant Events in Jewish History

Chanukah on the Net
Holidays on the Net
JewishPath - High Holy Days
A Passover Hymn - A Jewish renewal holiday poem by Esther Cameron.
Uncle Eli's Haggadah - he Hanukah Haggadah, fashioned after the Passover Haggadah, is a recitation written especially to commemorate the critical consequences and significance of Hanukah.

Holocaust Master Link Page with hundreds of links


Nachomas Yisroel ability to sponsor an immigrant child so he or she can receive a Jewish education

InterMarriage Conflicts
JewishPath: Marriage Conflict Dr. Akiva Gamliel Belk discusses marriage repair, conflict management, separation, divorce, conflict tools and how to avoid difficulties.

Jewish Communication Network
Jewish Internet Fund Promoting Jewish Digital Media
Jewish Web/Net Week

Israel Master Links Page with hundreds of links
Israel Government
Yisroel Tours

Jewish Communities
Communities Master Link Page - Hundreds of Community links

Bubbee's Beads- Handmade, original, beaded jewelry for Jewish gift giving
Unique, handmade, affordable, one-of-a-kind, original design, beaded Jewish jewelry gifts at Bubbee's Beads. Each piece an original design. No two pieces exactly alike. Hand- crafted, Jewish jewelry gifts perfect for the fashion conscious Bat Mitzvah and the stylish Jewish woman. See our Judaica page or pick a gift from our other beautiful jewelry. We look forward to filling your order! http://www.bubbeesbeads.com  or email bubbee at bubbeesbeads@aol.com
LoveRings - We offer affordable beautiful classy meaningful jewelry and many Judaic Articles in Sterling Silver and 14K Gold. Each unique design would make a wonderful Bar or Bat Mitzvah Gift... A Special Birthday Gift... or A Unique Gift for any Special Occasion...

Jewish Holidays
Jewish Holidays
JewishPath - High Holy Days

Jewish Outreach
B'nai Noach Torah Institute, LLC
Our new Outreach Program
New York Jewish Resource Guide
JewishPath Over twenty subject areas of Jewish learning, stories, humor with dozens of discussions by Dr. Akiva G. Belk
How to Make Shabbos

Small Signs - Our family business called in Hebrew "Simanim Ktanim" (Small Signs, or Small Marks) resides in the quiet area in Western Galilee. We have made a name for ourselves, in Israel and abroad. We pay personal attention to every question and we are always ready to help our customers discussing specially personalized gift ideas or any other matter.
Judaica Mall is an exciting new venue for all your Jewish gifts needs . If you’re simply curious about Judaica or searching for a specific piece, our professional staff is ready to meet your needs.

Zion Judaica
Zionjudaica.com is an online Judaica superstore offering Kippots, Judaica Gifts, Sabbath Items, Menorahs and more since 1989. With over 20 years in the industry, Zion is a trusted source for your Judaica needs.

Spiritual Judaism

Learn To Say Kaddish -
This is an informative CD by Dr. Akiva Gamlie Belk on saying Mourner’s Kaddish for dearly loved ones who have departed this world. The CD is supported with instruction sheets that include Hebrew and English of Mourner’s Kaddish. This is a good place to start for the individual who would like to learn how to say the Mourner’s Kaddish.

Kaddish Foundation

Karaoke Equipment -
Karaoke Equipment.com - We strive to be your number one source for Karaoke Equipment and all your other music equipment needs. We buy low and pass the savings on to you.

Kosher Master Links Page with hundreds of links

Publishers Note: A ketubah is a Jewish agreement stating the husbands commitment to provide food, clothing, physical relations to his wife, and pay a specified sum of money if he divorces her. The ketubah is the first charge on his estate to his widowed wife if he dies.

Art Chazin.com - Each Ketubot, Megillot, Candle Lighting, Eishes Chayil and Judaica is a masterpiece produced for you by the leading artists of the world-acclaimed ArtChazin.

Custom Ketubah
by Miriam Karp - Beautifully Designed Jewish marriage contracts for Weddings, Commitment Ceremonies and Anniversaries. The traditional Ketubah is written in Aramaic, not Hebrew and is the only one legally recognized in Israel. My custom Ketubbot are designed unique for each couple. I draw on rich Kettubah history as well as on contemporary art and design. A Ketubah is often the first piece of art that a couple buys.

The Ketubah Company - We offer a beautiful selection of fine-art ketubahs created exclusively for us. Our Ketubahs are approved by representatives from various observances within B’nei Yisroel, B'nai Noach and other non-denominations. Our artists are mainly Israeli that write ia a wide range of styles, techniques using up-to-date technology.
We can superimpose graphically customized designs and provide text suitable for any occasion - bar/bat mitzvah haftara, home blessings, baby blessings or any other creative choice either provided by us or requested by you. 


Kids Links
Kid's Master Link Page with many special links just for kids
Jewish Pro-Life Foundation
We promote alternatives to abortion in the Jewish community by providing education about fetal development, the viability and sanctity of unborn life, and traditional Jewish law regarding abortion. We teach our community about the harmful effects of abortion, and provide support to Jewish women and men who suffer from post abortion syndrome.